World’s First Cat
Litter Monitor
That “smells” your litter so you don’t have to!
Based on sophisticated colorimetric technology
- Cats urinate (pee) and defecate (poop). Duh… everyone knows that
- Urine and feces produce ammonia through natural biological processes *
- We can monitor ammonia – even at low levels which are undetectable to humans – but that cats can and do smell
- A cat’s sense of smell is 14 times better than a human’s
- Cats won’t use a litter box that “stinks” too much
- People are biologically built to become nose blind, so even if you can’t smell it, your cats and houseguests likely can
- Color-Responsive Technology
- Continuous Monitoring 24/7
- High Sensitivity to Ammonia
- Long Lasting
- Reversible Ammonia Response
- Easy to Use
- Cost Effective

Ensure your cats are breathing clean, healthy air while they do their business. Even though ammonia is a naturally occurring byproduct, it is toxic and not good to breath.
Provide a “teaching tool” for children so they know when it’s time to clean the litter. This also provides parents a device to know if their child is practicing proper pet keeping.
Avoid offending guests with odors that go undetected because the owner has become blind to the smell [a big problem for elders who don’t smell as well anymore].
Determine which litter is best for controlling the ammonia and “stink” and know if one litter is better than another, or if your odor-eliminating litter actually works.
Encourage cats to use the litter box. Cats are more likely to use a clean, “stink-free” bathroom. You don’t like using the bathroom when it reeks… Neither do they.
Know when to scoop or replace the litter- before you smell it. By the time you smell it, you’re too late and it has already permeated throughout your room/house.
Tell us what you think:
Pacific Sentry is seeking licensees for this product technology.
Please email to discuss available licensing options.